Surgical Instruments


Castroviejo Eye Lid Speculum
adjustable mechanism
HE 0765
Cook Eye Speculum
solid blade, with locking screw
HE 0766
Lester-Burch Eye Speculum
solid blade with flanges
adjustable mechanism with locking screw
HE 0767
Lancaster Eye Speculum
solid blade
adjustable mechanism
HE 0768
Clarks Eye Speculum
open blade
HE 0769
Williams Eye Speculum
open blade
HE 0770
Sauer Eye Speculum
11mm blade
HE 0771
McPherson Eye Speculum
13mm blade
HE 0772
Maumenee-Park Eye Speculum
with canthus hook
blade locking screws
HE 0773
Lieberman Aspirating Speculum
with Kratz style 15mm blade adjustable
mechanism HE 0775
Lieberman Aspirating Speculum
with V-shaped 15mm blade adjustable
HE 0776

Retractors & Dissectors/Hooks/Calipers & Astigmatism Markers/Blade Breakers & Knives/Loops/Spoons & Curettes/Spatulas & Manipulators/Lacrimal And DCR Instruments/Reusable Cannula

Eye Speculum Retractors & Dissectors
Hook Calipers & Astigmatism Markers
Blade Breakers & Knives Loop
Spatulas & Manipulators Forceps
Lacrimal And DCR Instruments Needle Holders
Reusable Cannula Spatulas & Manipulators


Utrata Capsulorrhexis Forceps
extremelly thin 11 mm long shanks
triangular grasping tips
HE 0972 Round Handle With Guide Pin
Jaffe Capsulorhexis Forceps
rounded grasping tips
HE 0973
Livernois IOL Folding Forceps
Concave Jaws
HE 0999
Dodick IOL Folding Forceps
HE 0998
Buratto Soft IOL Inserting Forceps
convex jaws HE 1000
Botvin Iris Forceps
(1x2 Teeth)
HE 0935
Bonn Forceps
(1x2 teeth, short model)
HE 0936
Gills-Colibri Forceps
Pointed tips
HE 0940
Colibri Forceps
standard 1x2 teeth
with tying platform
HE 0941
Colibri Forceps
Fine 1x2 Teeth
Angled HE 0942
McPherson Corneal Forceps
1x2 with Tying Platform
HE 0943 (Straight)
HE 0944(Curved)
HE 0945(Angled)
Pierse-Colibri Corneal Forceps
1x1 Pierse teeth
HE 0946
Hoskin Tissue Forceps
HE 0947
Pierse Corneal Forceps
Straight 1x1 Pierse teeth
HE 0948
Castroviejo Suturing Forceps
with Tying Platform 1x2 Teeth
HE 0949 (Straight) 0.12mm
HE 0950 (Straight): 0.30mm
HE 0951 (Angled)
Bores Corneal Fixation Forcep
U shaped
HE 0952
Polack Double Corneal Fixation Forceps
HE 0953
Moorfield Suture Forceps
HE 0954
Sauer Fixation Forceps
1X2 teeth
HE 0955
Manhattan Eye & Ear Fixation Fcps
1x2 teeth
with tying platform
HE 0956
St. Martin Suture Forceps
1x2 Teeth
with tying platform
HE 0957
Lim’s Coneoscleral Forceps
with tying platform
HE 0958
Troutman Superior Rectus Forceps
(1x2 teeth)
HE 0959
Dastoor Superior Rectus Forceps
(1x2 teeth)
HE 0960
Tissue Forceps delicate
1x2 Teeth
HE 0961 (Straight)
HE 0962 (Curved)
Graefe Fixation Forceps
(Multiple Teeth)
HE 0963
Lester Fixation Forceps
HE 0964 1x2 teeth (4 inch)
Green Fixation Forceps
(Multiple Teeth)
HE 0965
HE 0966 with catch
McPherson Suture Tying Forceps
7mm Long Smooth Jaws (Angled)
HE 0967
Bechert Forceps
10mm long Smooth Jaws Angled
HE 0968
McPherson Suture Tying Forceps
5mm Smooth jaws
HE 0969 (Straight)
HE 0970 (Angled)
Jaffe Tying Forceps
smooth jaws very delicate
HE 0974
Gerl Tying Forceps
HE 0976 (Straight)
HE 0977 (Angled)
HE 0978 (Curved)
Sinskey Tying Forceps smooth jaws
HE 0979 (Straight)
HE 0980 (Curved)
Tennat Tying Forceps
HE 0981 (straight)
HE 0982 (Curved))
Maumenee Tying Forceps
HE 0983 (Angled)
Helveston Tying Forceps
HE 0984 (Straight)
Barraquer Cilia Forceps
curved smooth jaws
HE 0985
Buratto LASIK Flap Forceps
Serrated Jaws
HE 0986
Mendez Multi Purpose LASIK Forceps
HE 0987
Kelman McPherson Lens Holding Forceps
(Cross Action)
HE 0988
Kratz Lens Holding Forceps
HE 0989
Blaydes Lens Holding Forceps
HE 0990
Clayman Lens Holding Forceps
HE 0992
Shepard Lens Holding Forceps
curved with serrated lower jaw
HE 0993
Akahoshi Phaco Pre Chopper
4.5mm Long Delicate Jaws
HE 0995
Dodick Nucleus Cracker
HE 0996
Ernest Nucleus Cracker
HE 0997
Bishop Harmon Dressing Forceps
with criss cross striations at tip
HE 1003
Bishop Harmon Tissue Forceps
1x2 Teeth
HE 1004
Arruga Capsule Forceps
HE 1005
Dressing Forceps
Serrated Delicate
HE 1006 (Straight)
HE 1007 (Curved)
Beer Cilia (Epilation) Forceps
HE 1008
Bonaccolto Conjunctiva forceps
HE 1010
Nugent Utility Forceps
HE 1012 smooth jaws
HE 1013 serrated jaws
Watzke Sleeve Spreading Forceps
HE 1015
Snellen Entropium Forceps
HE 1016 (Left)
HE 1017 (Right)
Lambert Chalazion Forceps
round small
HE 1018
Hunt Chalazion Forceps
round large
HE 1019
Baird Chalazion Forceps
oval small
HE 1020
Francis Chalazion Forceps
oval medium
HE 1021
Desmarres Chalazion Forceps
Oval Large
HE 1022
Jameson Muscle Forceps
HE 1025 (Left)
HE 1026 (Right)
Worth Advancement Forceps
with longitudinally grooved jaws
HE 1027 (L)
HE 1028 (R)
Nasal Packing Forceps
HE 1029
Berke Ptosis Forceps
HE 1030
Erhardt Lid Forceps
HE 1031
Halsted Artery Forceps
HE 1032 (Straight 5 ¾ inch)
HE 1033 (Curved 5 ¾ inch)

Needle Holders

Castroviejo Needle Holder
delicate jaws, curved
HE 1109 Without lock
HE 1110 With lock
KaIt Needle Holder
HE 1111 Straight
HE 1112 Curved
Silcock Needle Holder
HE 1113
McPherson Needle Holder
HE 1114 Without lock
HE 1115 With lock
McPherson Needle Holder
HE 1116 Without lock
HE 1117 With lock
Troutman Needle Holder
HE 1118 Without lock
HE 1119 With lock